Website Design, Build & Hosting

I’m sure you’ve heard the old adage, “a business with no sign, is a sign of no business”. Well this is true now more than ever, but not in the physical, tangible way it used to be. These days many businesses operate solely online. Now this axiom applies to businesses having an online presence, a website, and social media accounts so that customers can interact with them at any time, from anywhere and on any device.

Your website is important. It is for most businesses the first place many customers go. Their experience can be the deciding factor between years of brand loyalty, or a decisive thumbs down, no business conducted, and negative word of mouth.

Imagine this scenario…

A potential customer Googles your brand name expecting to find your website at the top of search results. No dice. They scroll down to the bottom of page one on their mobile phone and you’re not there either. Deeper into the search engine results page (SERP) they go, to page two, page three. Maybe they find you, maybe they don’t. Let’s say they do…

Now your website starts to load on their mobile device. Is it broken? It takes ages to load, and yet once it does, elements of the page are skating off of the side of the screen, scrolling is a nightmare, and the website is clunky, the text too large, and it is painful and difficult to navigate.

What happens in this case? Well naturally, that customer is left with a foul taste in their mouth. Whether they say the words aloud or not, they are thinking that your business is unprofessional and subconsciously will question their choice to do business with you. These kinds of negative customer experiences can stack up and eventually, they will look for a better experience elsewhere.

Sound Familiar?

If this sounds familiar, SEO Website Designers can help. We can design you a clean, modern and up-to-date website which you can be proud to show off. Your customers will be impressed with it’s speed and design, and above all, they’ll be able to find you in search results without having to turn over every stone in SERP.

So How Much Does It Cost?

Our hourly rates are very competitive and we have fixed rates for specific packages to keep things simple and costs down.

Get in touch using the form below with your specifications and we will do our best to work with you and your budget to provide you with a fantastic website at a competitive rate.

Get in Touch

If you have any questions, or would like to know more about our services and prices, please fill out the form with a brief description of your requirements and we'll get back to you as soon as we can.